Visitation Restrictions and Item Quarantine

Just a reminder to all family members that we cannot have visitors in or around the facility during this state of emergency. The includes “window” visits. Our residents’ privacy is very important, so we cannot have people up close to the windows, peeping in, decorating law areas, etc.

Special Visitors at The Pines Machias

Visitors of the 4 footed kind brightened the day at The Pines Machias! Baby goats and a miniature horse named "Spitfire" were brought in by staff members to visit the residents. Like our "The Pines of Machias" Facebook page to see and share pictures of our residents and activities! 



Dancing Bandits

The Dancing Bandits made their debut at The Pines in Olean on Monday. Some of the more agile and coordinated staff have been line dancing for our residents! Dancing for a small group of residents at a time, our staff is getting some great workouts and the residents are enjoying every minute of it!

Skype for Residents and Families

The Pines is working diligently to establish Skype as an alternative means of communication between family members and residents.  Family members that wish to video conference with their loved one will need to download the Skype App and create an account. You may either contact Kim Chase, Resident Care Liaison, at or complete the Skype Request Form to be placed on the list for an appointment to Skype.

Press Release March 18, 2020

The Pines Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center recognizes the hardship that COVID-19 has caused residents and families. Please be assured that we are taking every precaution to protect the health and psychosocial well-being of each and every resident in our care.

Pursuant to New York State directives, all staff are screened prior to the start of their shift to ensure that they are not actively ill, and housekeeping is focused on infection control. Activity staff have focused on in-room activities and are working to come up with creative solutions.

COVID-19 Update: March 13, 2020

Effective immediately and per the New York State Department of Health and Governor’s orders, the Pines Nursing Homes are closed to all visitations until further notice.

We are encouraging resident family members and friends to make phone calls and are currently making arrangements for the use of “Skype” to allow for video-conferencing.  Contact the facilities directly to make arrangements for a “Skype” visit.  Please note that you will need to have the “Skype” app on your smart phone to utilize this service.

Letter about Corona Virus (COVID-19) to Residents, Staff, and Families

Dear Resident, Family Members and Staff,

The purpose of this letter is to share IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding actions currently being taken at The Pines of Machias and Olean to address the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Health Emergency that is taking place across the country. Under the guidance of the New York State Department of Health and the National Centers for Disease Control, all nursing homes and health care entities are being directed to enhance current policies and procedures that will assist in keeping our most vulnerable populations safe. 
