

Brain, Health & Exercise

Residents are invited to the Grove to play an interactive trivia game where they will exercise their minds, followed by some chair exercises to exercise the body!

Movie Matinee "Big Trouble in Little China"

Big Trouble in Little China a 1986 American fantasy action-comedy movie will be playing in the Grove. Popcorn and beverages will be provided for the residents.

The Price is Right

Residents are invited to the Grove to play The Price is Right.

Left, Right, Left Game

After reading a question the residents will decide if the answer is left or right. 

Who Sang it?

Residents guess who sang the song, Gene Kelly or Louis Armstrong.

Roll with Hawaiin Punches

Residents are invited to the Grove to play a competitive game using party cups and dice.

Movie Matinee "Journey to the Center of the Earth"

Journey to the Center of the Earth, a 2008 action, adventure movie will be playing in the Grove. Popcorn and beverages will be provided for the residents.

Travelogue: Hawaii

Residents will have the opportunity to travel to Hawaii via a narrated video.

Let's Reminisce: Talking on the phone

Residents are invited to the Grove to reminisce about the telephone and how it has changed throughout the years. 

Travelogue: A Summer in Paris

Residents will have the opportunity to travel to Paris via a narrated video.